

TITLE; College life
27 March 2015 | 12:50 PM | 0 comments

Alhamdulillah i'm finally graduate and end my 11 years of school at SMK Taman Kosas. So welcome to the new world of young adult! hehe. Feeling happy and sad at the same time :(( soon i'll be leaving home, mom and dad to further my studies and for the first time puasa dekat hostel with friends. Sigh can't imagine my life there without em. Cerita lepas habis sekolah ni tak ada apa yang menarik. Lifeless sangat hahaha sekarang tengah tunggu keputusan UPU je ni. Pray for me! Hopefully dapat first intake. Biar cepat masuk belajar, cepat habis hahaha. Okay thats all for now. Bye :))

TITLE; I'll be missing them
20 September 2014 | 12:48 PM | 0 comments

Less than a month, i'll be leaving school :( Good luck to all of you. I'll always pray for all of us. Insyaallah with all the effort that we made,  we all will passes our spm with flying colours. Lepas ni mesti rindu nk study group dngan korang :(( , Semoga berjaya hingga ke menara gading and till we meet again :(